What is a renewal group?
The first organizational principle of the church was small groups (Acts 2:41-47). As we become part of a larger body it is even more important for us to connect with a smaller community for unity with each other. We rely on our smaller group during difficult times for comfort and prayer, encouragement and support, and most of all, confidentiality. We take delight in sharing praises with each other for all the great things God has done in our lives. Ideally, a renewal group should consist of 6-8 of those people that feel a strong connection with each other so that the group encourages openness and reaching out to each other. However, some renewal groups choose to be an “open group” meaning they are willing to accept additional members at any given time. Renewal groups can be made up of all men or women, couples, singles or mixed – it’s completely up to the group and you can be in more than one group at a time.
Prayer is a vital part of the renewal group and should be included each time whether you pray for individuals or your group as a whole. It can be as simple as saying grace before a meal, or sharing prayer requests and praying for each other until the group meets again. Romans 8:26-27 tells us we don’t have to be nervous praying privately or publicly, the Holy Spirit will give us the words when we pray. Some groups choose to incorporate a bible study along with prayer which facilitates an aspect of growth through God’s word. Whichever your group decides, remember it is most important to keep it God centered.
Finally¸ no matter what the dynamics of the group are, allow God to work in each of you and change lives through spiritual growth, authentic community, selfless actions, servant hood and support of one another. Keep in mind that each person in the group is on his or her own spiritual journey, we must let God guide this journey, and we are to simply meet our brothers and sisters where they are.
If you are not yet in a renewal group and would like to be, are in need of finding a different group for whatever reason, or just have questions, please contact one of the Secretariat Board Members: